Bamiyan Museum
3. CG Image of Proposed Design
Bamiyan Museum
Composite photo of the proposed monument and the existing landscape
Bamiyan Museum
View of the monument from the tree-lined street on the Bamiyan Valley
Bamiyan Museum
View of the monument from the tree-lined street on the Bamiyan Valley
Bamiyan Museum
View of the monument from the foot of the plateau
Bamiyan Museum
View of the monument from the parking at the foot of the plateau
Bamiyan Museum
The outdoor steps that lead from the foot of the plateau to the monument on the platform halfway up the hillside
Bamiyan Museum
Frontal view of the monument.
Bamiyan Museum
The entrance of the staircase that leads to the museum and the top of the plateau is on the left side of the monument.
Bamiyan Museum
View of the Great Cliff from the platform: The eastern Buddha is just opposite the one-third scale Buddha.
Bamiyan Museum
View of the outdoor steps, the Bamiyan Valley and the Great Cliff from the platform: The western Buddha is located on the axis of the steps.
Bamiyan Museum
View of the Bamiyan Valley and the Great Cliff from the observatory on the top of the one-third scale Buddha
Bamiyan Museum
Bird's-eye view from the northeast
Bamiyan Museum
Bird's-eye view from the northwest
Bamiyan Museum
Bird's-eye view from the southeast: The western Buddha is located on the axis of the steps.
Bamiyan Museum
Bird's-eye view from the south
Bamiyan Museum
Bird's-eye view from the southwest: The one-third scale Buddha is faces the eastern Buddha squarely.
Bamiyan Museum
Bird's-eye view from the northeast
Bamiyan Museum
Bird's-eye view from the northwest
Bamiyan Museum
Frontal view of the monument from the bottom of the Bamiyan Valley
Project Members
 Project Director and Architectural Design
@Shigeyuki OKAZAKI: Professor, Head, Department of Architecture, @@@@@@@@@@@ Mukogawa Women's University @
 Architectural Design and Edit @
@Noritoshi SUGIURA, @
@Department of Architecture, Mukogawa Womenfs University @
 Planning @
@Kosaku MAEDA: Visitung Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts @
@Kazuya YAMAUCHI: Professor, Teikyo University


>>Department of Architecture, Mukogawa Womens's University
Copyright (c) 2017 Mukogawa Mowen's University. All rights reserved.